About King of Kings
All services are in English.

Pastor Frank Kutu
(Head Pastor)
The church began with a dream, a vision for the future. In the process, a church vision statement was developed and adopted, one that addressed King of Kings distinctive-multi-cultural, multi-denominational, and highly mobile.
The church began with a dream, a vision for the future. In the process, a church vision statement was developed and adopted, one that addressed King of Kings distinctive-multi-cultural, multi-denominational, and highly mobile.
Believing that God is calling us to continue a forward look, the elders have sought to build on the past, to look into the future, to seek the Lord’s mind regarding His vision for the coming years. What follows is a renewed statement of purpose, vision and the strategies to get there.
The dream envisioned expresses a hope to be a church that makes a vital impact in the community that advances the kingdom of God that fulfils God’s intentions for His church. Undergirding it all is a clear recognition that only in the power of God, only by the grace of God, and only for the glory of God will the following be accomplished.
Finally, in order to appreciate the mission/vision statement presented, we are using the following definitions:
King of Kings Mission Statement
Worshipping God together and individually (Rom. 12:1; Heb. 10:25).
Equipping one another for growth towards Christian maturity and ministry (Col. 1:28; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Loving and caring for one another (John 15:12; Acts 2:42)
Proclaiming and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, beginning with our communities (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8).

In dependence upon god’s wisdom and power, we are providing the greater Amsterdam south-east area with an English speaking spiritual renewal.
The ministry is submitting itself completely to the Lordship of Christ, requiring the active participation of every member, committing itself to being biblically focused, and is seeking to please God in everything that is done.
We are a church reaching a growing number of people, attracting those of every spiritual condition, bringing each person to spiritual maturity, and sending people world-wide to further god’s Kingdom.

Join Us
King of Kings Baptist Church
De Kandelaar
Bijmerdreef 1239
1103 TX Amsterdam ZO
Service Hours
Sunday : 12:00 - 15:00 (Worship Service)
Friday: 19:00 - 20:00 (Prayer meeting & Bible Study)